Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Turkey Weekend!!

I have been so excited to get home for the first time since I moved to Louisina, and this trip home for Thanksgiving did not disappoint! I knew it would go by quickly and wouldn't be able to see everyone, but I sure tried to do my best! I flew home on Wednesday night into Wichita and my parents were there waiting! It was so great to see them when I got off the plane. We got in the car and headed to Olathe to be with Matt and Jana and the kids for Thanksgiving. The trip didn't seem as long because we had so much to talk about. Not seeing dad and mom every week opens the conversation a whole lot more :) I woke up to some cute little kids excited that Grandpa and Grandma had arrived with an extra little bonus of Aunt Beth. Jana cooked an amazing meal for lunch and our Thanksgiving feast! We had a great afternoon of napping and being able to hang out with the little ones.  Thursday night we decided to brave the crowds and do some "Black Friday/Thursday" shopping. We took the entire bunch (against my judgement) and it ended working out very well! We were not getting anything specific, so it was actually pretty fun to go experience this for the first time. Wal mart was not organized, but it made it easier for our crew to get through. Dad, Jana and I then went to the opening of Target which was very organized, but did not let us in before 9:00. The line was wrapped around 3 sides of the building and it was rather cold. Once we got in, we got what we needed and got in line, however, the line was almost to the back of the store and not moving fast. My dad at that point made an executive decision and we put all of our things back and headed home for the night.  Friday we woke up, had lunch, and headed West to Great Bend.

Once we arrived in Great Bend, we headed straight to the Beck's. I was meeting Lawson for the first time and so excited! He was even cuter in person than all the skyping and pictures I had seen. Lukas had grown so much it felt like and was going 100% when he woke up from his nap. I was able to just hang out in town for the weekend and see some friends at night. Saturday mom had a Thanksgiving meal for all of us and it was another great meal! We were able to play cards and watch football most of Saturday night. Of course, Cindy and Mom were putting up all of the Christmas decorations, as I laid on the couch and gave my opinion. If you know my mother, this was only about 1/10 of her decorations and she probably enjoys her personal time without my opinions. Sunday we got up for church, said my goodbyes to the Beck's and we headed back to Wichita. Dad, Mom, and I were able to do a little shopping before my plane left, and I headed home.

I am so glad I was able to get to spend time with family on this Thanksgiving weekend. I am so thankful for all of them in my life. I am getting excited already to be home over Christmas and get to see even more people!!

"Twi" Hard?

 I wouldn't call myself a true "Twilight" finatic, but I do enjoy the whole essence of the idea. Last week, a co worker and I decided that we would have a "double feature" of Twilight while the guys were away and enjoy a girl's night out. We left right after work and headed to her house to begin the movies. Leading up to the opening of Breaking Dawn part 2, Twilight and New Moon were on tv constantly, so we decided we would start with "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn part 1".  We had a great time watching the movies, pausing between the two for a supper break and then finishing up the next movie. When we finished the second movie, we realized that there was a 10:45 showing of the last movie and we hurried our way to the theatre to watch the final movie. It was a great ending of a movie and night! Thank you Kelly for hanging out with me!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Texas Getaway

This last weekend I was able to head West and meet up with some friends I haven't seen in awhile. I started my trip on Friday where I headed down to Stephen F. Austin University to watch ULM kick off their first true game. I am very excited to see all these places and new gyms considering they aren't the same ones I have been to year after year playing and watching basketball in Kansas. It was fun to watch and see how these girls are improving each game. We didn't come out with a win, but I am still glad I could make the trip!

After the game I headed North to Fort Worth! I stayed and got to catch up with a great friend from high school, Katie. I hadn't seen her in forever and we had no problem starting where we left off. She is recently engaged, so we got to talk about all her planning! Saturday we met up with many Kansas friends and went to the KState TCU football game. Luckily Katie, being a TCU grad, knew her way around and got us everywhere very quickly. We had a great time tailgating and watching the game! I had a great time and so glad I got to meet up with lots of familiar faces! I owe a huge thank you to Katie and can't wait to meet up again!! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Simple Life..

I have been wanting to blog about something all week and get good at this blogging stuff, however, I have had a long week of doing nothing, including any ideas for what to blog about. I couldn't even blog about my poll question from last time considering NO ONE voted!! (It's OK, I know I only have like 6 followers, and that's because I text those six people and tell them to read my blog)  :)  So this blog is going to be quick and just a run down of what I have done this last week! Enjoy!!

Halloween Gift Basket from Dad and Mom!

The cutest nephews and niece anyone could have!
Lukas and Lawson  :)

Cade and Reese  :)

Pink Out game for ULM

Timmy's Birthday!! 

Keith won their first exhibition game last night 110-96!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Things to look forward to on my blog: Thanksgiving at home in 14 days, Hawaii in 35 days, and my Birthday in 67 days!! :)