Thursday, May 16, 2013

When Two Become One..

This last weekend I was able to be apart of an amazing wedding. The Keeley and Birt families joined together to celebrate Christy and Mitch becoming one new family! It was so much fun and I am so excited to talk about this weekend.
Keith and I flew into Omaha a couple of days early to get to help decorate and prepare for what was about to come. My parents and Lukas (a surprise visitor) picked us up from the airport and we all headed to eat. We got checked into the hotel and waited for everyone else to get there.
Friday morning was when the festivities began. The boys all headed to the golf course and the girls headed to start decorating. Christy had pretty much everything planned out and did a great job of delegating as to what needed to be done. I was normally given the less creative and easy jobs, which to me, was ok, somebody needed to do them. Plus it gave me some time to play with Lukas and Lawson (which was one of my jobs to keep them out of the way). Matt, Jana and the kids arrived and we were off again. The boys took the kids and went to nap, while the girls all got in the car to head to get nails and toes done. We had so much fun getting to hang out and just relax for a little bit together.
Friday night was the rehearsal and dinner. We went to this great little Italian restaurant that the Birt's did a great job of providing for us. We headed back to the hotel to regroup and change clothes and we were off again. The wedding party and their significant others, as well as friends who made the trip a day early all got together at a fun little bar and grill. Our group decided we would walk because we were told it was .7 miles away. We thought that would be easy and headed on our way. However, I am pretty sure it was like 3 miles!!
Saturday morning was Wedding day! The boys and kids were headed to the water park in the hotel and the girls were all off to get their hair done. The hair salon went great! They were all ready for us and did a great job of getting us in, doing our hair, and getting us out. When finished, most of us headed to the church, while mom went and did finishing touches at the reception hall (which looked great) At the church we hung out, got make up, dresses ready and watched Christy turn from a beautiful person to a stunning bride (with some tears of course). When we were ready for pictures, we go to get our flowers and they had all wilted! These were not just something we could hide, they were awful. Emily and Lindsey (two of the bridesmaids) took control and ordered some new ones. Keith was ordered, yes ordered at this point and not by me, to get them picked up and to the church QUICKLY. He was there in 30 minutes and saved the flower dilemma! The wedding was beautiful and all ring bearers and a flower girl made it down the aisle. Some a little faster than others, but whose watching :) The wedding party headed on the party bus and drove around while everyone made their way to the reception. Wendell's party bus was a good time with lots of memories to share. The reception was awesome. Mitch and Christy had it all planned out perfectly, with an awesome dinner, a photo booth, great atmosphere, fun videos, and a rather enthusiastic DJ.
All in all the weekend was perfect. It was so much fun to be with everyone, be apart of this day, and watch two people join together. Christy and Mitch looked so happy and I don't feel like they were ever stressed. Thank you guys for a perfect weekend!!

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